#sprint #book project #mold remediation #design #text #print #3D illustrations

Trade Publication/Handbook
"Die Schimmelrichtlinie"

Its full name is "Richtlinie zur Erkennung, Bedeutung und Sanierung mikrobiellen Befalls in Innenräumen" (Guidelines for the Detection, Significance and Remediation of Microbial Infestation in Interior Rooms), published by Sprint Sanierung GmbH in cooperation with a scientific advisory board. The 144-page, large-format standard work, which deals with all aspects of mold and bacterial remediation, is known throughout the industry as the "Mold Guideline." ergo Kommunikation is proud to have contributed to it through design and production management.

Consortium for Marketing
and Corporate Communications
Stresemannstraße 28

40210 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211 46994-­0